Primary Therapist

Jared Hill

Jared Hill is a dedicated Certified Addiction Consultant with a profound commitment to aiding men and women on their journey through early recovery. His work is centered around empowering clients to navigate post-acute withdrawal, bolster their self-esteem, and establish short-term, attainable life goals.

Jared's approach is rooted in authenticity and genuineness, creating a strong rapport with his clients as they navigate the often uncertain path of early sobriety. His educational foundation includes both undergraduate and master's degrees earned from Murray State University, providing him with a solid knowledge base to support his clients effectively.

Outside of his professional life, Jared finds solace and joy in playing golf with his son, cherishing those moments of connection. Additionally, he shares his life with Lola, his emotional support dog, who adds comfort and companionship to his daily routine. Jared's dedication to his clients and his personal interests reflects his commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those he serves.

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