Pink Cocaine 2C-B: What is it?

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Although its name may suggest otherwise, Pink Cocaine is not actually Cocaine. Pink Cocaine is a popular synthetic party drug common among teens, with no relation to Cocaine. Also known as 2C-B or Pink Coke, many manufacturers label it as a legal and safe drug. However, this pink powder drug has various side effects, and overdosing on it can harm both physical and mental health. Read on for more information on what is the pink drug, what's in pink coke, its side effects, and how dangerous it is.

What is Pink Cocaine?

Pink Cocaine is a recreational party drug that has been on the market for over a decade. Although it is not Cocaine, it has similar side effects. Peruvian Pink Cocaine is common in South and Central America and is available as a powder or a pill. Intranasal and oral methods are most commonly used to ingest this drug.

The History of Pink Cocaine

In the 1970s, Alexander Shulgin - a famous organic chemist from Harvard renowned for his work with drugs such as Ecstasy - developed a new drug called 2C-B. Initially, people used 2C-B to treat erectile dysfunction and enhance libido. The manufacturer named the original product Erox or Performax. In 1995, the United States Drug Enforcement Agency assessed the drug and classified it as a Schedule 1 Controlled substance - meaning there is no medical use for this drug, and it is harmful to consume.

Difference between Cocaine and 2C-B

Although there are a few similarities between Cocaine and Pink Cocaine (sometimes referred to as pink coke), this pink powder drug is actually very different. Their major similarities are chemical dependence and the risk of addiction; their origin and properties are very dissimilar. Cocaine is a natural extract of the coca plant, while Pink Cocaine is a synthetic drug. Cocaine has an anesthetic as well as a stimulant effect on the body, can be used for medical purposes, and has been included by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency on the Schedule II list of drugs.

Meanwhile, Peruvian Pink Cocaine has psychoactive properties and influences the serotonin system of the body. It has no safe, accepted medical use. which is why the DEA includes this drug on the Schedule I list of Controlled substances.

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Is Pink Cocaine Addictive?

Pink Coke is a highly addictive drug with a negative extended effect on the body. Extreme caution should be exercised when using this drug so as to avoid addiction and potential overdose, and situations where there is social pressure to use should be avoided as well. If you or a loved one suffers from such an addiction, proper medical and psychological intervention should be sought as soon as possible.

Is Pink Cocaine Dangerous?

Pink Cocaine is a dangerous substance with mild to severe side effects; overdosing poses a significant danger to one's health. Additionally, because no one can really know what is in pink cocaine as synthetic drugs often contain undisclosed additives and questionable substances, their potential risks and side effects can never be conclusively determined. It follows that 2C-B may pose an even greater threat to physical and mental health than other substances.

Many mix this drug with hallucinogens to enhance its therapeutic effects, which increases the risk of overdose and has significant long-term health consequences. 2C-B found in Latin America and the Caribbean specifically may have unusually negative effects on the body, such as erratic behavior and kidney damage.

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Side Effects of Pink Cocaine/2C-B

As mentioned before, Pink Cocaine is a synthetic drug and may therefore contain many impure elements, which can cause varied bodily reactions.

Below are some potential side effects of 2C-B:

  • Euphoria
  • Narrowed ("pinpoint") pupils
  • Delayed reaction time
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Itching on face and arms
  • Constipation
  • Pain relief
  • Slowed breathing and heart rate
  • Drowsiness
  • Pale or flushed skin tone


Because Pink Cocaine influences the body’s involuntary functions, one who overdoses will struggle to breathe and think clearly. If emergency medical care is not received in the proper timeframe, oxygen levels may plummet and cause death.

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Symptoms of Pink Coke Overdose

Due to the impure substances often mixed into 2C-B, even small amounts may lead to overdose. Below are some symptoms of Pink Cocaine overdose:

  • Vomiting
  • Gurgling noises
  • Clammy skin
  • Shallow breathing
  • Blue tinge to face, lips, and fingernails
  • Respiratory depression
  • Unresponsiveness
  • Limp body
  • Coma


One who experiences a drug overdose likely suffers from a drug addiction too. Addiction causes a vicious cycle of drug use, overdose, withdrawal, and drug use once more. Breaking the cycle in a reputable drug detox and rehab center - like Avenues Recovery - is a crucial step towards a life of recovery.

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Treatment for Pink Cocaine Addiction

Pink Coke adversely affects both physical and mental health. To successfully surrender a harmful addiction such as this, it is best to enter an accredited rehab center that will provide the optimal environment for healing and sustained recovery.

The first step to recovery is always medical detox. Although the detox process is usually quite painful due to strong withdrawal symptoms, addicts can have a smooth and relatively painless experience when they detox in a competent facility beneath attentive medical care. Once detox is complete, a patient will undergo a thorough treatment program, which includes behavioral therapy, extensive counseling, and peer support. A quality program provides stellar care and a robust, engaging alumni program, enabling addicts to attain and sustain long-term recovery.

If you or a loved one suffers from pink powder drug addiction or any other substance addiction, reach out to Avenues Recovery today to begin the journey toward your very best self.

To learn more about cocaine addiction, including how much an 8-ball of cocaine costs and how cocaine is made, read our online resources.

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