What is Luxury Rehab?

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As increasing numbers of addicts enter residential treatment centers to treat their  substance addiction, high-end private drug rehab centers are rising to offer clients a luxurious experience. These institutions help people end their alcohol or drug addiction through effective treatments and therapies. The main purpose of these centers is to create a healthy lifestyle and offer comfort and peace. Since luxury rehab centers are expensive and private, many celebrities and wealthy people opt for them. But it is worth keeping in mind that this high-end therapy is not ideal for everyone. Therefore, before making a decision, let’s understand what it offers and if it is worth choosing.

What Does Luxury Rehab Offer?

Destination luxury treatment centers offer comfortable settings, desirable amenities, and high-quality treatment to people suffering from substance abuse disorder. These high end rehab centers provide a tailored, one-on-one experience to the patients so they can recover from substance abuse. The facilities at these luxury centers include art therapy, equine therapy [1], music therapy, and adventure therapy. Other elements of luxury drug rehab include mindfulness, yoga, massages, and acupuncture for relaxation. Mainly, these therapies are suitable for wealthy individuals seeking lavish facilities to quit drug addiction. In most cases, destination luxury drug and alcohol rehab centers ask employees to sign an NDA [2] or non-disclosure agreement. These centers accommodate fewer patients than standard treatment centers and aim to give a personal experience to each patient. Furthermore, they have limited private rooms and beds with a small staff-to-client ratio. People who require world-class quality facilities opt for these high end rehab centers. That said, the high luxury rehab costs are not suitable for every patient with a drug addiction problem.

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How Much Does Luxury Rehab Cost?

Compared to other treatment options, the costs of luxury drug and alcohol rehab centers are substantially higher. Since they offer exclusive and incomparable amenities, you’re charged more for them. Typically, a one-month stay at a destination luxury rehab center can cost from $30,000 to $100,000. Meanwhile, the standard clinical and therapy approach won’t cost you more than $5000 to $20,000 per month. Keep in mind that both types of rehab centers are beneficial to eliminate a drug addiction.

Many luxury treatment centers allow installments and some insurance companies cover the treatment expenses as well. However, the health insurance might only cover your treatment expenses and not the accommodations. Therefore, you should discuss this with your insurance company before getting registered for the luxury treatment plan. With luxury rehab centers, the actual cost is for the unique and lavish experience. Furthermore, the actual cost depends on the amenities you subscribe for. The price difference between luxurious and traditional programs is usually because of the location and amenities rather than the treatment.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Luxury Rehab

There isn’t any research or study that suggests that luxury rehabilitation centers offer a higher success rate. While some patients claimed that they felt better in luxurious settings, others weren’t satisfied. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of luxury drug rehab centers to consider while making a decision:


Although these centers are significantly more expensive, the facilities they offer can be helpful for some people. As mentioned above, these therapy centers for drug addiction treatment are mostly suitable for those who can afford them. Some advantages of destination luxury rehab include:

  • Top-Notch Amenities

Luxury or private rehab centers offer luxury pools and spas to their patients. They provide these features to residents to divert their focus and boost the recovery process.

  • Location

Destination luxury rehab centers choose beautiful locations such as beaches and mountainous regions away from toxic and polluted environments. That is one main reason why they charge so much for rehab treatments. These breathtaking sceneries will connect you with nature and divert your focus from drugs and alcohol.


Although luxury rehab centers offer wide-ranging amenities as compared to standard treatment procedures, these facilities come with many downsides. Some of them are:

  • Cost

Luxury rehab centers charge high sums. Some facilities charge thousands of dollars for a week. Therefore, these centers are inaccessible to many people.

  • Your Peers

An advantage of attending a rehab center is building a community and connecting with the people. But since there are fewer people in the rehab center due to high costs, there are less people available to interact with. Also, most people join luxury rehab centers preferring to quit their drug addiction in a private environment. These people prefer not to engage with others and do not want to share their experiences.

  • Location

The locations of luxury rehab centers can be peaceful and remote. Therefore reaching the center can be a challenge for many people. First, they have to ensure that they can afford the traveling expense. Furthermore, it’s not so simple to come back home to meet your family. Family, friends, and community are a source of invaluable support during a recovery journey, butit is something that destination addiction rehab simply cannot offer. That is why many people prefer in-patient rehab and out-patient drug treatment programs. In most cases, these therapies are in the local proximity of your neighborhood.

Are Luxury Drug Rehab Centers Worth It?

If program cost is not a problem for you and you don’t mind traveling far from your home, a luxury rehab center can be a very enjoyable experience! But what matters most of all is clinical excellence, a skilled and empathetic staff, and a strong sense of community. These are most often found in local facilities, primarily focused on the treatment aspect of your care. If you have the dedication to quitting drugs and alcohol, and are surrounded by people who genuinely care, location and amenities don’t matter. There are numerous effective rehab options for you to opt for near your home.

It may be possible to arrange longer family or guests visits to see their relative at a luxury treatment center that’s far away, however you’d have to cover the cost of their visit. The best alternatives to eliminate drug addiction are the clinical and therapy approach, at a regular drug rehab center. These options are reasonable and beneficial for many people.

Most people attending luxury rehab centers can spend their entire savings on it, but they still find it hard to keep up with their recovery progress. If you are facing the same conditions, then it may be better to opt for more affordable clinical rehabilitation programs. Spending thousands of dollars on something with no promise of concrete benefit can be depressing and lead to financial instability. Therefore, it’s better to evaluate the options properly and make wise decisions.

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You Now Know What Luxury Rehab is, but Will it Work for You?

Previously, people had two options for alcohol and drug rehabilitation – luxury resorts and state-funded institutional centers. But today, there is a wide range of effective options such as inpatient or residential rehab, outpatient rehab, or detoxification.

Furthermore, there are different types of therapy options including cognitive behavioral therapy, individual, family, or group therapy, and contingency management. It is therefore so important to compare the pros and cons of each option and make a well-informed decision.

Again, it is important to stress that there is no replacement for good clinical work and being a part of a supportive community. If that is lacking in a destination rehab option, no amount of scenic ocean/mountain views, or gourmet six-course meals, will help someone find a sustainable path to real recovery.

Find Sobriety with Avenues Recovery

Knowing what luxury rehab is, is an important part of making the decision of whether or not it suits your needs. Avenues Recovery offers a wide range of rehabilitation programs around the USA. Masters of addiction rehabilitation, we know what you need in the recovery process. Reach out to discover a personalized treatment program tailored specifically to your needs. You deserve a sober life and future ahead!

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[1] www.webmd.com

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