What Is Long-Term Rehab?

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Part of the Complete Guide to Understanding Addiction


“Long-term rehab” is a term used to describe a rehab center where people stay for an extended period of time in order to recover from substance abuse. These programs can last anywhere from several months to over a year. Long-term rehab programs provide a structured environment where people receive intensive therapy, counseling, and support to discover the causes of their addiction. These programs often offer:

  • Life skills training
  • Job support
  • Aftercare planning

The length of stay in a long-term rehab program can vary anywhere from six months to two years. The goal of long-term rehab is to give treatment and support to help people achieve long-lasting recovery and improve their overall quality of life.

If you or a loved one are seeking long-term rehab for drug or alcohol abuse, reach out to us at Avenues Recovery so we can guide you on your road to recovery.

What Are the Benefits of Long-Term Treatment Centers? 

One of the main benefits of long-term rehabilitation is comprehensive care. Long-term residential treatment provides intensive, round-the-clock care, including medical, psychological, and social support, tailored to individual needs.

Being in a controlled environment for the long-term helps establish new habits and coping mechanisms, reducing the risk of relapse. Extended stays allow for a deeper exploration of the underlying issues and behavioral patterns that may have led to substance abuse in the first place, leading to real and lasting change.

Clients who stay in long-term rehab have the opportunity to build strong bonds with peers and staff, creating a supportive community that is critical for long-term recovery. More time in rehab allows clients to learn and practice the life skills needed for staying sober outside of a structured program.

Long-term rehab centers use various therapies and activities, such as meditation, yoga, and art therapy, to promote overall well-being. Since people stay there longer, long-term rehab programs can focus more on relapse prevention strategies and provide ongoing support after completion of the program.

How Long Does Long-Term Rehab Last? 

The length of long-term addiction rehab can range from ninety days to two years.

Reasons why a person may opt for long-term addiction rehab may include: 

  • Severity of Addiction: Individuals with more severe addictions can benefit from longer treatment durations to address their complex needs and establish lasting recovery.
  • Co-Occurring Disorders: If a person has a co-occurring mental health disorder, such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder, treatment may need to be longer to address both the addiction and the underlying mental health condition that caused it.
  • Individual Progress: The progress made during treatment also plays a role in determining the length of stay. Some people may need more time to achieve stability and develop the skills needed for long-term sobriety.
  • Program Structure: Long-term rehab programs vary in their structure and approach. Some programs may offer a set duration, such as a 90-day program, while others may be more flexible and allow individuals to stay longer if needed.
  • Aftercare Planning: The length of stay in a long-term rehab program may also be influenced by the availability of aftercare services and support. A longer stay may be recommended to ensure a smooth transition back to everyday life and reduce the risk of relapse.

What Should I Expect in Long-Term Inpatient Rehab? 

In a long-term inpatient rehab program, you can expect a structured and supportive environment focused on helping you achieve and maintain sobriety. Here is a detailed list of some things to expect at a long-term rehab center:

  • Intake and Assessment: You'll undergo an initial assessment to determine the appropriate level of care and create a personalized treatment plan.
  • Detoxification (Detox): If necessary, you'll go through a supervised drug detox treatment to safely rid your body of toxic substances, and comfortably manage withdrawal symptoms.
  • Therapy and Counseling: You'll participate in individual and group therapy sessions to address the underlying issues contributing to your addiction, and learn coping strategies.
  • Education: You'll learn about addiction, recovery, and relapse prevention to help you understand the nature of your condition and how to manage it.
  • Medical Care: You'll receive medical care as needed, including medication management for co-occurring disorders or to assist with withdrawal symptoms.
  • Holistic Therapies: Some programs offer holistic therapies like yoga, meditation, art therapy, or horse therapy to complement traditional treatment.
  • Life Skills Training: You'll learn practical skills like relaxation techniques, budgeting, time management and communication skills to help you navigate everyday life without turning to drugs and alcohol.
  • Supportive Community: You'll be surrounded by peers and staff who understand your struggles and can provide support and encouragement throughout your recovery journey.
  • Aftercare Planning: As you near the end of your program, you'll work with your treatment team to create an aftercare plan that includes ongoing support and resources to help you maintain sobriety long after you leave rehab.

Does Insurance Cover Long-Term Rehab?

Long-term drug and alcohol rehab is frequently covered by health insurance, providing individuals with access to the necessary treatment and support. However, the specifics of coverage can vary significantly based on your insurance plan and provider.

When considering long-term rehab, it's a good idea to reach out to your insurance provider to understand the details of your coverage. This can include the length of treatment that will be approved, any limitations or restrictions, and the out-of-pocket costs you may be responsible for.

In addition to contacting your insurance provider, it will also be helpful to connect directly with the treatment center you're interested in attending. Many rehab facilities have staff dedicated to working with insurance companies to determine coverage and assist clients in navigating the financial aspects of treatment.

By taking the time to understand your insurance coverage and exploring your options, you can make more informed decisions about your treatment and ensure that you have the support you need to embark on your recovery journey.

Who Benefits the Most from Long-Term Rehab?

People with the following conditions can benefit the most from long-term rehab:

  • Chronic substance abuse issues
  • Severe physical disabilities
  • Neurological problems
  • Mental health disorders
  • Developmental disability

Why Do Some People Resist Long-Term Rehab? 

Resistance to long-term rehab can come from fear, denial, and stigma (fear of what others will say). The idea of making lifetime changes can be daunting for most. Some people are in denial about their addiction, and may be unwilling to acknowledge the impact of their behavior on themselves and others.

The stigma surrounding addiction and rehab can prevent people from getting help, as they may fear judgment or discrimination. External pressures, such as financial constraints or family responsibilities, can further complicate the decision to commit to long-term rehab.

Negative past experiences with rehab can also contribute to resistance, as individuals may be reluctant to try again. Overcoming these barriers often requires support from healthcare professionals, family, and friends to help individuals recognize the need for treatment and navigate the challenges of long-term rehab.

At Avenues Recovery Center we are here for you to guide you on your road to recovery.

How Do I Know if Long-Term Rehab is For Me?

Deciding whether long-term rehab is the right choice for you involves thinking about some important points.

One important point to consider is the severity of your addiction. Long-term rehab is typically recommended for individuals with severe substance abuse issues, or those who have not achieved success with shorter rehab programs. If you find that your addiction has a big impact on your daily life and previous attempts at recovery have been unsuccessful, long-term rehab may offer the intensive support and structure necessary for lasting recovery.

Your commitment to the recovery process is another essential factor to consider. Long-term rehab requires a substantial commitment of time, effort, and willingness to make significant lifestyle changes. If you are ready and willing to make these changes and are dedicated to working on your recovery, long-term rehab may be a suitable option for you. Additionally, having a strong support system in place can significantly impact the success of long-term rehab. This support system can include family, friends, healthcare professionals, and others who can provide encouragement, guidance, and accountability throughout your recovery journey.

It is also important to consider your past treatment history. If you have tried shorter rehab programs in the past without achieving the desired results, long-term rehab may be a more effective option for you. Long-term rehab can provide the intensive, comprehensive care needed to address underlying issues and develop coping strategies for long-lasting recovery. Additionally, your personal circumstances, such as work, family, and financial responsibilities, should be considered when deciding on long-term rehab. Consider whether you can commit to the demands of long-term rehab while maintaining your other obligations. 

Ultimately, the decision to enter long-term rehab should be made in consultation with healthcare professionals who can assess your individual needs and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan for you. By carefully considering these factors and seeking guidance from qualified professionals, you can make an informed decision about whether long-term rehab is the right choice for your recovery journey.


If you are looking for the right rehab program or are considering long-term rehab, reach out to us at Avenues Recovery so that we can guide you on your path to recovery. We offer a range of different programs, with varying lengths to give every individual the customized care they deserve. Our expert team of addiction specialists use a mix of traditional and holistic therapies and personalize every client's treatment plan. Our caring and dedicated staff have helped thousands of people overcome their addictions, and they can help you too. Reach out to us today so that we can begin your journey to sobriety together. We will be at your side every step of the way!

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