Opioid addiction treatment is urgently needed as the opioid crisis continues to affect families and communities. Addiction is not a personal weakness, but a complex disease that alters brain chemistry and behavior. Recovery requires more than willpower—it needs comprehensive care that addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects of addiction.
Thankfully, modern treatments available at Avenues Recovery, such as medication-assisted treatment (MAT), counseling, and community support, offer hope. These methods ease withdrawal symptoms, reduce cravings, and tackle the root causes of addiction. By combining medical care with personalized support, individuals can achieve lasting recovery and a renewed sense of hope.
If you or a loved one suffer from Opioid Use Disorder, reach out to us at Avenues Recovery so we can guide you on your path to recovery.
What Are Opioids?
Opioids are analgesic (pain-killing) drugs that induce sensations of warmth and intense pleasure. Once the pleasure passes, the body craves more of the substance. When the person gives in to their craving and ingests the substance a few times, the body becomes tolerant to the drug and requires increasingly larger amounts to feel the previous effect. The body then becomes dependent on the drug to function normally. If not controlled, this cycle can easily lead to addiction.
For thousands of years, opioids have been recognized for their ability to reduce pain, and as such, they are widely used in the medical field. Opioids are often prescribed for chronic conditions, post-operative patients, and accident victims suffering from serious pain.
What is Opioid Abuse?
Aside from legal forms of opioids (such as codeine, morphine, oxycontin, and fentanyl), some opioids have little medical use and are mainly used to get high. Heroin is one such example. Even prescription opioids can lead to addiction. As opioids are used regularly, the body develops tolerance to their effects, and cravings increase. Although many people begin using opioids through the instruction of their doctor, they can often become dependent on them over time. Patients may begin to misuse opioids for self-medication and pain relief, or just to experience the feelings of pleasure it brings. Both can devolve into a full-blown addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), more than 90 Americans die by opioid overdose daily.
Opioid addiction is a chronic medical condition. Prolonged opioid use eventually makes a person feel that there is no way to get through the day without help from the substance.
How to Tell if You or A Loved One Are Addicted to Opioids
The road to addiction can be long and painful. It can be difficult to know if you or a loved one are really addicted and need the help of opioid treatment programs.
Common signs of opioid addiction include:
- Taking opioids frequently or in a manner not intended. This includes taking more than the prescribed dose or taking the drug for the euphoric high it produces
- Mood changes, including sudden swings from elation to hostility
- Taking opioids "just in case," even when not needed for pain
- Irregularities in sleep patterns
- Requesting the same prescription from multiple doctors, to have a backup supply
- Losing medications, or borrowing medications from other people so that more prescriptions can be written
- Poor decision-making, including putting oneself and others in danger
Fortunately, there is help. Through specialized opioid rehab centers, people suffering from addiction can look forward to a full and liberating recovery.
The Cost of Opioid Abuse
In addition to physical consequences, the social and financial costs of opioid abuse can be devastating. Careers are lost, families are destroyed, and financial responsibilities are impossible to fulfill. When a person suffering from opioid addiction has no money to get the drugs they need, they may resort to breaking laws and land in the vicious cycle of the prison system.
There is nothing more important for an opioid user than to seek competent and professional addiction treatment from a provider with integrity, training, and skill. The cost of opioid rehab pales in comparison to the cost of opioid abuse.
Why Choose Avenues Recovery’s Opiate Addiction Treatment Center?
Opioid addiction is a chronic disease that requires treatment. Left untreated, it can lead to life-threatening conditions such as heart and kidney failure, strokes, and irreversible liver damage. Seeking help is essential to breaking the cycle of addiction and preventing serious health consequences.
At Avenues, clients receive tools to overcome opioid addiction and manage its symptoms. Programs are tailored to each individual, tapping into their unique strengths to build a sustainable recovery plan. The focus on forming deep connections with expert staff creates a foundation of trust and partnership.
Comprehensive Opioid Treatment Programs
Avenues offers evidence-based programs in serene, modern facilities designed to foster peace and healing. These programs include:
- Detox Treatment: Supervised by medical professionals to ensure safety and comfort.
- Residential Treatment: Following detox, clients transition seamlessly into residential care under the same trusted team.
- Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP): Bridging the gap between residential treatment and IOP, PHP offers full daytime treatment and clients return home at night.
- Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP): For those with less severe addictions or graduates of residential treatment who want to live at home or continue working while receiving addiction treatment.
- Outpatient Programs (OP): Outpatient opioid treatment including medication-assisted treatment.
Tailored Treatment Plans
From the moment clients arrive, intake professionals focus on understanding their personal history and needs. Treatment plans are customized, and continuous feedback is encouraged to ensure progress. Avenues prioritizes client voices, adapting strategies as necessary to support recovery.
Amenities and Community Support
Avenues’ facilities feature outdoor activities, nutritious meals, and light-filled spaces that promote well-being. Clients build friendships with peers, replacing the isolation of addiction with a sense of connection and support.
Therapies Offered
Avenues employs a range of therapies to address addiction effectively:
- Detoxification
- Medication management (including medication-assisted treatment)
- Individual and group therapy
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Family counseling and therapy
Transform Your Life Today With Opioid Addiction Treatment
Joining opioid treatment programs like Avenues can be life-saving. With 24/7 support available, Avenues Recovery Center is ready to guide you or your loved one toward lasting recovery. Contact a representative today to begin your journey.