DUI Treatment Program: Help for DUI

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What is a DUI?

DUI stands for driving under the influence and specifically refers to the act of driving a car in an intoxicated state. Also known as DWI, driving while intoxicated, the most common type of DUI involves an individual driving under the influence of alcohol. However, most addictive substances also fall into this category, making addiction and DUI closely related. All substances that leave you in an intoxicated state, including drugs on the controlled substance schedule, can result in an arrest. Luckily, DUI treatment programs exist to educate those who have an existing DUI.

Is Driving and Drinking a Felony?

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can be charged as a felony or a misdemeanor. In most cases, a first DUI offense is charged as a misdemeanor. As a driving violation, getting a DUI may result in a serious fine or even jail time - depending on how drunk the person is or the type of drugs they are consuming. DUI charges can be even more serious if the person injures someone or destroys public or private property. In summary, a DUI is a driving violation defined as possessing or driving a vehicle while intoxicated and can lead to a fine or jail time.

Do DUI Blood Tests Check for Drugs?

Yes, DUI blood tests check for both alcohol and drugs in a driver’s system. A DUI refers to the specific act of driving “under the influence”, a broad term indeed. Therefore, any substance that leaves you in a high or drunk state will result in a DUI if found in your system while driving. Such substances include marijuana, cocaine, or even LSD. (This once again displays the link between addiction and DUI, as alcoholics are usually addicted to various other substances.) One can land a DUI even if they consumed no alcohol at all. The consequences of driving under the influence of potent drugs can be even more severe than that of alcohol.

Avenues Recovery’s DUI treatment program can help people stop driving under the influence

How to Recover From a DUI

Alcohol detox is an important step in recovery and sobering up after your first DUI. The detoxification process is never easy, as your dependence on alcohol makes not drinking even more difficult. Most experience excessive sweating and shivering after drinking, as the alcohol is purged from the body. Detox can be especially difficult because there is no set time span in which your body will finally be cleansed.

Withdrawal symptoms generally begin to show about 8 hours after the first drink. Symptoms peak and become almost unbearable between 24 to 72 hours later. Five to seven days later, symptoms decrease in intensity. Psychological symptoms and side effects can continue even past the first week.

Avenues Recovery is dedicated to making the detox experience as comfortable as possible for our clients. Our professional and dedicated staff is here to support you or your loved one at every stage of your recovery journey.

How Long After Drinking Can I Drive?

The body takes a long time to process alcohol naturally. While every individual’s tolerance plays a role, it generally takes the human body between one and two hours to process a single drink. If an individual has three or four standard drinks, they will have to wait at least three or four hours before driving. However, because alcohol levels in the body continue to rise for an additional three hours post-drinking, the effects might not wear off by then. One should therefore wait a minimum of six hours before once again operating a vehicle.

Drinking water and coffee does not hasten the body's absorption of alcohol; neither do showers or exercise. You will have to wait the required amount of time for the effects of the alcohol to wear off.

A DUI treatment program, like Avenues Recovery’s, help people drive safer

Drunk Driving Fatality Statistics

According to the NHTSA, approximately 37 people die each day in the U.S. in drunk driving-related incidents. In 2022, the number of deaths reached 13,524, which is the highest since 1982. Furthermore, responsibility.org found that alcohol-related deaths made up about 32% of total vehicle deaths in 2022.

How to Prevent Getting a DUI

There are a few ways to drink without having to worry about a DUI:

Find a Designated Driver

One of the easiest ways to avoid a DUI is by designating a driver to take you home. The driver should not be drinking when they are with you, or they should drink within the recommended amount, which is one standard drink. As long as you are not driving, you need not worry about a DUI.

Make Use of a Cab Service  

A good way to avoid a DUI is to hire a cab service like Uber if you know that you will be drinking more than the standard drink. These services are hassle-free, and you do not have to worry about depending on someone to help you get home.

Do Not Feel Pressured To Drink  

The most critical thing to understand when out alone is that you cannot drink if you plan on driving. Since stopping after a first drink is difficult and unlikely, having a drink in the first place can be a bad idea. Never feel pressured to drink - and if someone starts insisting, just leave.  

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Getting Help With a DUI

Addiction and a resulting DUI can leave a lasting impression on your life. Such a report will show up on background checks, and may even be a factor considered by potential employers when applying for a new job. A DUI should also serve as a wake-up call to begin seeking the help you need to sober up.

Can you go to rehab instead of jail for a DUI? You can ask your attorney to help you weigh your options, and relay your final decision to the district judge. Both the judge and attorney can then settle on an inpatient rehab for you to enroll in.

The court may also mandate your attendance at a DUI school, which educates people about drug use and abuse. As an alcohol program for DUI, they will also cover important topics such as alcohol consumption and may be the first step to receiving proper help and encourage you to attend drug or alcohol rehab.

Make the Most of Your DUI Treatment Program

Addiction and DUI are closely intertwined. Someone charged with a DUI violation may be arrested and face legal consequences. Worse, they may harm others by their actions.

Attending a DUI treatment program may be mandated by a court or chosen by someone suffering from alcoholism or Substance Use Disorder. Use your DUI as a wake-up call to break free from your addiction to alcohol or drugs. When you join the community at Avenues Recovery, you join a support community for life. Our staff are experts in drug and alcohol rehab and are waiting to provide you with the toolbox you need to build a life of sobriety. Contact Avenues Recovery today and look forward to a life of hope and healing.

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