How To Stop Alcohol Cravings

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Alcohol cravings are hard to stop, but they can be managed with the right strategies and support. If you work to uncover the root causes of your alcohol cravings, learn what helps with alcohol cravings, and gain coping techniques, you have a better chance of craving alcohol less, drinking less, and quitting alcohol altogether. Knowing how to stop alcohol cravings is important for anyone seeking a sober life.

Join Avenues Recovery, experts in addiction rehabilitation, to learn what alcohol cravings are, why they happen, and how to stop them.

What Are Alcohol Cravings? 

Alcohol cravings are strong urges or desires to drink alcohol, often experienced by people who are addicted or dependent on alcohol. Craving alcohol can be physical (in the body) or psychological (in the mind), making it difficult to resist.

Psychological addiction triggers for drinking alcohol include:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Other emotional states

These triggers can increase the urge to drink alcohol as a way to cope with these feelings. Additionally, environmental cues, such as seeing a familiar bar or socializing with friends who drink, can trigger cravings. These cues can create strong associations in the brain between certain situations or emotions and the desire to drink, making it challenging to resist cravings in those circumstances. 

Physical alcohol triggers can cause a range of bodily responses that contribute to alcohol cravings. Changes in brain chemistry can trigger physical cravings after someone has been drinking for a long time. Withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, and sweating can be physically induced triggers that make people want to drink alcohol to take away these uncomfortable sensations. Additionally, cues in the environment, such as the sight or smell of alcohol, can trigger physiological responses like increased heart rate or salivation, which may intensify cravings. The body's natural inclination to seek relief from discomfort or to respond to familiar stimuli can contribute to the physical aspects of alcohol cravings. 

Why Do Alcohol Cravings Happen? 

Here are some reasons alcohol cravings happen:

  • Alcohol affects chemicals in the brain like dopamine, which are involved in the brain's reward system. Over time, the brain may become less sensitive to natural rewards and more reliant on alcohol to release dopamine, leading to cravings when alcohol is not consumed.

  • Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to alcohol dependence or addiction, which can increase the likelihood of experiencing intense cravings. Factors such as past traumas, social environment, and learned behaviors can all contribute to the development and persistence of alcohol cravings.

  • Environmental cues and past experiences can create strong associations in the brain between certain situations or emotions and the desire to drink, making it hard to resist cravings in those circumstances.


How Long Do Alcohol Cravings Last?

Alcohol cravings differ in duration for each person. Many people craving alcohol wonder when alcohol cravings stop. For many, they decrease over time, sometimes taking a few years to go away completely. Others may experience ongoing urges to drink alcohol, especially in alcohol-related settings. Learning relapse-prevention skills in rehab can help manage these cravings. Every person's experience is unique, so finding what works best for you is important for long-term success.

How to Curb Alcohol Cravings 

Here are some tips to curb alcohol cravings: 

  • Distract yourself
  • Stay busy
  • Avoid triggers
  • Stay hydrated
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation
  • Prioritize sufficient sleep
  • Exercise regularly
  • Seek support
  • Healthy snacking
  • Delay and distract

How Do You Stop the Craving for Alcohol in the Long Term?

To fight alcohol cravings in the long run, consider the following strategies: 

  • Seek Professional Help: Consider seeking support from a healthcare provider, therapist, or counselor who specializes in addiction treatment. They can provide personalized strategies and support. 
  • Join a Support Group: Joining a support group, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), can provide you with a community of individuals who understand what you're going through and can offer support and encouragement. 
  • Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Identify and develop healthy ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and other triggers that may lead to cravings. This could include exercise, meditation, hobbies, or therapy as substitutes for alcohol cravings. 
  • Change Your Environment: Consider changing your environment to reduce exposure to triggers. This could include avoiding places where alcohol is served or changing your social circle if necessary. 
  • Set Goals and Track Progress: Set clear, achievable goals for reducing or quitting alcohol consumption and track your progress over time. Celebrate your successes and learn from any setbacks. 
  • Practice Self-Care: Take care of your physical and mental health by eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and prioritizing sleep. Self-care can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being, making it easier to resist cravings. 
  • Stay Motivated: Stay focused on your reasons for wanting to reduce or quit alcohol consumption. Remind yourself of the benefits of sobriety and your progress so far. 
  • Be Patient and Persistent: Overcoming alcohol cravings takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and stay persistent, even if you experience setbacks along the way. 

Which Medications Help with Alcohol Cravings? 

There are a few medications that can help reduce alcohol cravings. These include: 

  • Acamprosate (Campral): Helps reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings. 
  • Naltrexone (Revia or Vivitrol): Blocks the euphoric effects of alcohol and reduces the desire to drink. 
  • Disulfiram (Antabuse): Causes unpleasant reactions if alcohol is consumed, acting as a deterrent. 
  • Topiramate: Originally used as an anti-seizure medication, it can also reduce alcohol cravings and consumption. 

What are Treatment Options for Alcohol Addiction? 

Below are some of the options for treatment for alcohol addiction:

  • Medications: Medications like Campral, Revia or Antabuse can help reduce the craving for alcohol or block the rewarding effects of drinking as mentioned above.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors related to alcohol use. 
  • Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET): MET helps individuals develop the motivation to change their drinking behavior. 
  • Contingency Management: Contingency management provides incentives for maintaining sobriety and participating in treatment. 
  • Support Groups: Participation in support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can provide valuable peer support and guidance from others who are also recovering from alcohol addiction.
  • Counseling: Individual or group counseling can help individuals address underlying issues that may contribute to their alcohol use disorder, such as stress, trauma, or mental health disorders.
  • Inpatient or Residential Treatment: For individuals with severe alcohol addiction, residential treatment programs provide intensive, round-the-clock care and support.
  • Outpatient Treatment: Outpatient programs offer more flexibility and allow individuals to receive treatment while continuing to live at home and attend work or school.
  • Family Therapy: Involving family members in the treatment process can help improve family dynamics and support the individual's recovery.

Learn How to Stop Alcohol Cravings with Avenues Recovery

If you wonder how to stop alcohol cravings and are serious about addiction recovery,  contact Avenues Recovery today to discover a world of premier addiction treatment and unbending support. Together, we can beat your addiction.


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